HP 3y NBDAdvExch Consumer LJ - UL SVC,LaserJet M11x,3y Exchange SVC,Consumer only

51,65€ inkl. mva
Tilstand: new - mehr Info
Lager: 9876
Shipping: 6,90€ per stykk
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Abdeckungsdetails: Standard workdays - 9 hours,Art des Supports: Exchange,Ort der Serviceerbringung: Offsite,Garantieumfang: In warranty,Dauer: 3 years,Reaktionszeit: Next business day response,Servicemethode: Advanced unit exchange,Care Pack - Typ: Electronic,Abdeckungszeitraum: 36 Monat( e),Garantietyp: S,Logistikoptionen: Courier shipment and defective return
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